95 research outputs found

    The hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

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    OBJECTIVE: Aloe vera is known for its antioxidant properties. In this experimental study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of Aloe vera in ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) liver injury in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar Albino rats were divided into three groups, where the sham group (n=7) underwent no medication or surgical procedures, the I/R group (n=7) was the control group that received 45 minutes of applied abdominal aorta ischemia and rats were sacrificed 24 hours after reperfusion, and the I/R+AV group (n=7) was the treatment group that was given Aloe vera (30 mg/kg) every day followed by gastric lavage for a month before applying ischemia and performing sacrifice as in the previous group. Before sacrifice, all the liver tissues were removed. Tissues were examined for histopathological investigation, iNOS immunoreactivity and tissue biochemistry, malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities. RESULTS: The SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px levels of the I/R+AV group were not significantly different from the sham group (p>0.05) but were significantly higher when compared to the I/R group. MDA levels of liver tissues were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the I/R+AV group as compared to the I/R group. Disrupted hepatic cords, sinusoidal dilatation, hemorrhage, cytoplasmic vacuolization of hepatocytes, and intensive iNOS immunoreactivity were detected in the I/R group. Decreased histopathological change score and iNOS immunoreactivity score were noticed in the I/R+AV group as compared to the I/R group. CONCLUSION: It was found that Aloe vera showed a hepatoprotective effect against I/R injury. Further research is required to determine the effective dose, administration method, and effects of Aloe vera for liver transplantation

    Comparação da eficácia de tenoxicam administrado por via oral e intra‐articular a pacientes com osteoartrite de joelhos

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    ResumoJustificativa e objetivosTenoxicam é amplamente usado no tratamento da osteoartrite (OA) e o nosso objetivo foi comparar a eficácia de tenoxicam administrado por via oral (VO) e intra‐articular (IA) no tratamento da OA.MétodosEste estudo foi conduzido entre 2011 e 2012 por meio de análise retrospectiva e comparação dos resultados de 60 pacientes que foram clínica e radiologicamente diagnosticados com OA degenerativa de joelhos na Policlínica de Tratamento da Dor do Hospital Estadual de Bünyan. Os 60 pacientes incluídos no estudo foram alocados em dois grupos. O primeiro grupo (tenoxicam IA, n=30) incluiu resultados de pacientes submetidos à injeção nos joelhos por via IA de 20mg de tenoxicam uma vez por semana durante três semanas e o segundo grupo (tenoxicam VO, n=30) incluiu pacientes que receberam 20mg de tenoxicam por VO uma vez por dia durante três semanas. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente na fase basal pré‐tratamento e em uma semana, um mês e três meses pós‐tratamento, de acordo com os critérios especificados.Resultados e conclusõesDos 60 pacientes, 22 eram do sexo masculino e 38 do sexo feminino. Em ambos os grupos, melhorias significativas foram detectadas em todos os parâmetros da escala visual analógica, do índice Western Ontario and MacMaster (Womac – dor, atividade física e rigidez dos joelhos) e do índice de Lequesne nas avaliações feitas em uma semana, um mês e três meses e comparadas aos valores basais. Além disso, uma melhor adesão ao tratamento e tolerabilidade ao sistema gastrointestinal no grupo tenoxicam IA também foram observadas. A administração de tenoxicam IA pode ser considerada como um método opcional de tratamento em pacientes com OA de joelhos que não podem usar tenoxicam por VO, especialmente por causa dos efeitos colaterais sobre o sistema gastrintestinal, e naqueles com dificuldades de adaptação ao tratamento.AbstractBackground and objectivesTenoxicam is widely used in osteoarthritis treatment and we aimed to compare the effectivity of oral and intra‐articular administration of tenoxicam in osteoarthritis treatment.MethodsThis study was performed between 2011 and 2012 by retrospectively analyzing and comparing the findings of 60 patients who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with knee degenerative osteoarthritis in Bünyan state hospital pain policlinic. 60 patients included in the study were divided into two groups. The first group (tenoxicam IA, n=30) included patient findings of those subjected to intra‐articular injection of 20mg tenoxicam to the knee once a week for three weeks and the second group (oral tenoxicam, n=30) included patients who were administered 20mg oral tenoxicam once a day for three weeks. All patients were clinically evaluated pre‐treatment and in the 1st week, 1st month and 3rd month post‐treatment according to specified criteria.Results and conclusions22 of 60 patients included in the study were male and 38 were female. In both groups significant improvements were detected in all of the observed parameters: visual analog scale, Western Ontario McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (pain, physical activity, knee stiffness) and Lequesne index scores and in the evaluations performed in 1st week, 1st month and 3rd month with respect to pre‐treatment values. Besides, a better compliance to treatment and gastrointestinal system tolerability in tenoxicam IA group was also observed. Intra‐articular tenoxicam administration could be thought as an alternative treatment method in patients with knee osteoarthritis who cannot use oral tenoxicam especially due to systemic gastrointestinal system side effects and those who have difficulties in adapting to treatment


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    Bu çalışmada, günübirlik anorektal cerrahilerde hiperbarik bupivakain ile hiperbarik levobupivakainin saddle bloktaki etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. ASA I-II risk grubundan 18-50 yaş aralığındaki 60 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Oturur pozisyondaki hastalara L4-5 veya L5-S1 intervertebral aralığından 7,5 mg %0,5 hiperbarik bupivakain veya %0,5 hiperbarik levobupivakain 30 saniye içinde intratekal aralığa enjekte edildi. İntratekal enjeksiyonu takiben tüm olgular oturur pozisyonda 5 dk bekletildikten sonra önce sırtüstü yatar pozisyona daha sonra operasyonun gerçekleştirileceği prone jack-knife pozisyonuna getirildi. Olguların operasyon sırasında ve sonrasında; hemodinamik parametrelerden NİKB, KAH, SpO2 değerleri, duyusal ve motor blok özellikleri, analjezi süreleri, ilk mobilizasyon ve idrar yapma zamanları, olgu ve cerrah memnuniyeti, gözlenen yan etkiler ve taburculuk günleri kaydedildi. Çalışmada hiperbarik levobupivakain ile oluşan duyusal ve motor bloğun daha kısa sürdüğü bulundu. Bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olsa da günübirlik anorektal cerrahide klinik olarak hastaların taburculuklarını hızlandırabilecek düzeyde değildi. İlk idrar çıkarma süreleri her iki grupta da benzer olup taburculuğun ertelenmesine sebep olacak kadar geç gerçekleşti. saddle blok ile hemodinamik parametrelerin normal sınırlarda tutulabileceği başarılı bir şekilde gösterildi. Emosyonel gerginliğe bağlı artmış vazovagal refleks sonucu oluşan yan etkiler hastalara premedikasyon uygulanmasının gerekliliğini düşündürdü. Sonuç olarak günü birlik anorektal cerrahilerde uygun olgularda yapılmak koşuluyla saddle bloğun uygulaması kolay ve yan etkileri minimal olan bir anestezi tekniği olduğu görüldü. Hiperbarik levobupivakainin de günübirlik anorektal cerrahilerde saddle blok uygulamalarında hiperbarik bupivakaine iyi bir alternatif olabileceği kanısına varıldı. Bununla beraber hiperbarik levobupivakainin cerrahi için yeterli anestezi sağlayacak ve aynı zamanda taburculuğu geciktirmeyecek daha düşük dozlarıyla yapılacak yeni çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu kanaatindeyiz.İn this study; we aimed at investigating the effects of equipotent doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine and hyperbaric levobupivacaine in outpatient anorectal surgery under saddle block. Sixty patients between the age of 18- 50 and in the risk group of ASA I-II included in the study. 7,5 mg of 0,5% hyperbaric bupivacaine or 7,5 mg of 0,5% hyperbaric levobupivacaine injected into the intrathecal space in sitting position through L4-L5 or L5-S1 intervertebral space in 30 seconds. All patients kept in sitting position for 5 minutes with aid after intrathecal injection and than layed in supine position, finally they positioned in prone jack-knife. Hemodynamic parameters like NIBP, HR, SpO2, sensory and motor block characteristics, duration of analgesia, time of first voiding, mobilization time, patient and surgeon satisfaction, adverse effects and discharge time were recorded during and after surgery. We found that sensory and motor block duration with hyperbaric levobupivacaine was shorter than hyperbaric bupivacaine. The difference was statistically sagnificiant but did not affect the discharge times in outpatient anorectal surgery. The first voiding times were similar in both groups and caused delaying of discharge times. We suggested sucessfully that hemodynamic parameters would be in normal limits with saddle block. The adverse effectscaused by induced vazovagal reflex due to emotional stress considered us the necessity of premedication. İn conclusion we saw that saddle block in appropriate patients under going anorectal surgery was a technique that easy to administrate and with minimal side effects. We found that hyperbaric levobupivacaine may be a favourable alternative to hyperbaric bupivacaine in anorectal surgery under saddle block. We are in opinion that there is a need of further studies using lower doses of hyperbaric levobupivacaine that can get adequate anesthesia for surgery and causing no delay in discharge times

    Comparison of the effectivity of oral and intra-articular administration of tenoxicam in patients with knee osteoarthritis

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    ABSTRACTBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Tenoxicam is widely used in osteoarthritis treatment and we aimedto compare the effectivity of oral and intra-articular administration of tenoxicam in osteoarthri-tis treatment.METHODS: This study was performed between 2011 and 2012 by retrospectively analyzing andcomparing the findings of 60 patients who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with kneedegenerative osteoarthritis in Bünyan state hospital pain policlinic. 60 patients included in thestudy were divided into two groups. The first group (tenoxicam IA, n = 30) included patientfindings of those subjected to intra-articular injection of 20 mg tenoxicam to the knee oncea week for three weeks and the second group (oral tenoxicam, n = 30) included patients whowere administered 20 mg oral tenoxicam once a day for three weeks. All patients were clini-cally evaluated pre-treatment and in the 1st week, 1st month and 3rd month post-treatmentaccording to specified criteria.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Twenty two of 60 patients included in the study were male and 38were female. In both groups significant improvements were detected in all of the observedparameters: visual analog scale, Western Ontario McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (pain, physicalactivity, knee stiffness) and Lequesne index scores and in the evaluations performed in 1st week,1st month and 3rd month with respect to pre-treatment values. Besides, a better complianceto treatment and gastrointestinal system tolerability in tenoxicam IA group was also observed.Intra-articular tenoxicam administration could be thought as an alternative treatment methodin patients with knee osteoarthritis who cannot use oral tenoxicam especially due to systemicgastrointestinal system side effects and those who have difficulties in adapting to treatment